Brain Awareness Week (BAW) March 14 - 20

You are only as good as your brain and therefore need to invest in it should be a priority.


The complexity of the human brain and its importance to one’s general health and wellbeing are well known. Along with your cognitive health, which regulates thinking, learning, and remembering, the brain also influences how you move, feel, and perceive. Good brain health can be broadly defined as a combination of best brain integrity, mental and cognitive performance, and the lack of evident neurological illnesses. The path towards health and longevity is paved by maintaining a healthy brain throughout one’s life.


There is a great lack of knowledge among common people about Neuroscience advancements, research, and their efficacy. Faith healing and superstitions often cloud minds instead of identifying and addressing any brain health issue at early stages. Therefore, there is great need to enlighten discussions in this aspect among families and educational institutions. Creating parent and peer support groups to ward off fear and stigma associated with brain health challenges are the need of the hour.


March 14–20 is designated as Brain Awareness Week (BAW), a global initiative to raise public awareness of the advancements and advantages of brain research. BAW was established by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives as a worldwide initiative to raise public awareness of the advancements and advantages of brain research. Every March, the world’s neuroscientists, educators, students, and brain enthusiasts join to participate in interactive events and activities that celebrate the brain. It was established to inform the general public on the advancements in brain research as well as the prevention, identification, and management of many brain disorders like Alzheimer’s, ADHD, dyslexia, Parkinson’s disease, etc. 


Brain Awareness Week therefore serves as a reminder that as we learn more about how the brain develops and works, we will have a better understanding of how to maintain brain health over the course of our lifetimes. Additionally, it is hoped that BAW programs will encourage youngsters to become aware of their brain health and how to take care of it from an early age as the burden of brain dysfunction, neurological illnesses, and the demands on medical resources increase as people age.

BRAIN HEALTH AND WELLNESS – Strategies to maintain a healthy brain

Our brains enjoy being stretched and stimulated intellectually. One of the best things one can do, irrespective of their age, is to pay attention to their brain health, if they want to increase their focus, memory, and mental agility. By incorporating brain exercises into daily life, one can challenge their mind, sharpen cognitive skills, and possibly learn something new and enriching along the way, too. Some simple strategies can that can help maintain a healthy, functional brain include :

  • Regularly scheduled brain checkups to assess memory efficiency.
  • Improving water intake to keep the brain hydrated.
  • Enhancing and keeping a controlled sleep schedule
  • Engaging in regular physical activity
  • Maintaining healthy lifestyle practices by consuming brain energizing foods and abstaining from drugs, alcohol, and smoking
  • Performing daily mental workouts in the form of brain stimulating games


At CognoSkillz we use the power of brain training activities to change the way you learn and perform and help you in improving your brain health. With one-on-one training sessions, we assist children in developing early learning abilities and adults in raising their level of cognition, attention, and memory. 
Call Us to have a conversation about how our BrainRx brain training programs can help with Unfolding your brain’s full potential 

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