About Us

About Us

We are certified cognitive specialists, passionately devoted to work one on one with children and adults looking to strengthen their ability to learn faster, easier and better.

Our Vision is inspired by a deep need to do something more to help change the lives of children and parents of the community.

We aim to unfold the potential of our clients by incorporating the latest neuroscientific research in our brain training programs. 

BrainRX Centre in Dubai
Why Choose Us

We change lives through brain training.

Our programs target these areas:

Thinking and processing

Think more quickly and efficiently

Self confidence and Communication

Efficiently recalling facts. Holding onto and using information efficiently

Early developmental delays

Foundation skills that are pre requisites for learning

Reading, comprehension, phonemic awareness

Distinguish, blend and segment sounds accurately.

Parent & Student Testimonials

It's easy to find out how CognoSkillz can help. Get the answers you need today. Call us!

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